

The Machine Translator Add-On extends RC-WinTrans‘ functionality with access to machine translations via the Internet.  The add-on connects with online machine translation (MT) services to quickly and easily supply translations while working with RC-WinTrans.

Upon opening the RC-WinTrans Machine Translator, the main window will take the source text of a selected item (in RC-WinTrans) and automatically display it along with the translation returned by the selected MT system.


A machine translation service supports several different languages where any one can be used as the source or the target language when searching for a translation.  The required language pair (source and target language) is automatically selected (by RC-WinTrans) for a requested translation.


Some of the commands and functions provided are:

online translation suggestion.

find translation function.

automatic translation of a single item or multiple items at once.

acts like a dictionary in RC-WinTrans.


The Machine Translator sets up the selected MT system as a dictionary in RC-WinTrans, allowing it to be referenced in the same way (Find Translation command) and including its found results in certain dictionary operations (Find Translation, Get Translation and Auto-Translate commands).


Details of the Machine Translator components, use and functionality are documented here in this help system.  A list of related topics follows, or check the help system's table of contents for an overview of all topics.


Related topics:


"Machine Translator Window"

"Starting the Machine Translator"

"Using the Machine Translator"

"Tips,Links, and Additional Information"


Try It Out on the Web

You can try out the machine translation systems and find translations for your texts here:

Google Translate:

Microsoft Translator:

DeepL Translator:

NOTE:  Although a particular service may be free when used on its website, when accessed via the Machine Translator Add-On it will function only as a paid service.


Supported Languages

A machine translation service support dozens of different languages which are in turn supported by the Machine Translator Add-On.  Any of these may be used as the source or target language when searching for a translation.

List of languages supported by Google Translate...

List of languages supported by Microsoft Translator...

Languages supported by DeepL (as of January 2019):



Technological Basis (Add-On Component)

The RC-WinTrans Machine Translator is implemented (coded) in C# and uses the Microsoft .NET Framewok 4.5.