The Machine Translator is used in much the same manner
an RC-WinTrans dictionary or a translation memory (TM) in RC-WinTrans.
The Machine Translator appears in the Dictionaries
view (Figure 2) whenever it is opened. It is automatically
enabled as a "find reference," meaning it can be used
in dictionary-related operations (described below- |
Figure 1: RC-WinTrans' Machine Translator window. |
Figure 2: An entry for the running Machine Translator is shown in RC-WinTrans' Dictionaries view. |
The Machine Translator will find and deliver translations from the Internet both automatically and on command. Found translations can be easily transferred to an RC-WinTrans project, either for a single selected item or for any number of items selected at once. The various methods are described below.
Figure 3: The Machine Translator window's Source text field can be edited for a manual search for translations. |
Figure 4a: The Find Translation button in RC-WinTrans' Translation Edit bar. The selected source text "Cancel" does not have a Japanese translation entered for it. |
Figure 4b: The Machine Translator window where a Japanese translation has been returned for the source text "Cancel" (selected in RC-WinTrans- see Figure 4a above) after activating the search for machine translations using Microsoft Translator. |
Figure 5: The Dictionary Found Results list displaying the results of a find transla-tion operation for the source text "Cancel." The (Japanese) translation returned by the Machine Translator is shown in the list and could be used as the target text by copying it to RC-WinTrans' Translation Edit bar using the command button(s) at the top of the view. |
Figure 6: RC-WinTrans' Translation Edit bar where the Japanese translation with the highest match value (see Figure 5 above) has been applied as the target text. |
Besides finding, displaying, and using translations from an online machine translation system, there are several other things you can do with returned results in RC-WinTrans.
Texts that have been imported or automatically
translated ("Auto-Translate" or "Get Translation(s)
from Dictionary" functions) using the Machine Translator
Add-On can be marked in RC-WinTrans with a (temporary) blue dot
marker (
Examples of things you can do when marked items are grouped together: set re-check markers or state flags, delete or export translations.
See also: "Temporary markers..." in the "Tips and Additional Information" help topic. |