Import from Text File

Import from MS Excel



The Import from Excel and Import from Text File commands are used to import data from a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet (".xls" or ".xlsx" file) or a character-separated text file (".txt" or ".csv")

into the active RC-WinTrans translation project.  Access the commands via the Import toolbar button (shown left) or from the File menu.  They are located in the Quick Launch view as well.



Import Format and Specifications

The file from which data will be imported should have been exported from RC-WinTrans once before. The first row of an Excel spreadsheet or text file contains column data exported by RC-WinTrans. This line is used for the column headers that identify the data of each column.  Importing from a file without the use of these column headers is possible- in this case the columns must be specified by clicking a column in the File content list.


Imported translations are used as the translations for items with a matching source text and, optionally, with a matching ID (resource name), source file name, and/or resource type.


Only one target language can be imported at a time, even when the Excel sheet or text file contains more than one target language.



Import Assistant

The Import Assistant (see figure below) lets you adjust the import options and specify the file's columns if they cannot be identified automatically.



Figure: RC-WinTrans' Import Assistant for importing data from MS Excel and text files.



Elements of the Import Assistant:



File Name

The name of the file from which data is to be imported.  Locate and select for a specific file using the Browse button.



Source language and Target language

For a file: indicates the source and target language(s) in the file from which to import.

For a project: indicates the active source and target languages for the translation project.



File content

A preview that provides an overview of the file's content being used for the import operation.

aSSIgNing Columns: The Import Assistant tries to identify the headers in the text or Excel file.  When this identification is successful the name of the column is displayed in the preview. The text "<skip>" is shown in the column header when the column cannot be identified or when it is not relevant for the import.  To assign a column, right mouse-click on the header to open a local menu where you can select the correct value



Import Options

Ignore ampersand (&)

Check this option to ignore the ampersand character (hotkey specifier) when comparing the source text.

Overwrite existing translation

Use this option if you want existing translation texts to be overwritten by the import process.




Item name/ID

Checking this option specifies that the item IDs ("Resname" and "Main Resname") must match in order for a translation to be imported.

Resource type

Used to specify that the resource type must match in order for a translation to be imported.

Source file name

Used to specify that the name of the source file must match in order for a translation to be imported.

Source text

This option is always enabled.  The source text is always compared when importing a translation for an item.




Use the radio buttons to set a tab character, comma, or semicolon as the designated separator between source and target text items.



Import data for

Selected items

Check this option to import all items (translation units) currently (multiple-)selected in RC-WinTrans' Text Table view.

Selected file

Use this option to import translations for all the items in the file currently active within the translation project.  The name of the active file is shown in the field next to the option element.

Project (all files)

Import translations for all the items in the active translation project by selecting this option.


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