Application object
ExFcts object

Extended RC-WinTrans application API functions.

Remarks: Implements complex processing functions to be used for automation. Functions from this object may also offered by the RC-WinTrans command line tool.
ExportProject Exports a translation project as database based project (.fsmdb).
ExFcts.ExportProject(ProjFile As String, TargetProjFile As String, Name As String,
srcLang As String, tgtLang As String, [TargetLangsArray]) As Boolean
ImportFromProject Imports data from a translation project from and for a single target language.
ExFcts.ImportFromProject(ProjFile As String, FromProjFile As String,
FromLang As String, ToLang As String, numData As ImportExportData,
enumOption As ImportProjectOptions, [HTMLReportFile As String],
[showProgressDlg As Boolean = False]) As Boolean

IsUpToDate Returns whether if all files data are up-to-date for the given target language.
"Up-to-date" means that the data of all source files matches the data saved in the database.
ExFcts.UpToDate( projFile As String, Lang As String ) As Boolean

TranslationStatus Verifies the translation (0%-100%) status of all source files contained in a translation
ExFcts.TranslationStatus( projFile As String, Lang As String ) As long

UpdateDatabase Updates the translation data of a single source file or of all the source files for the specified target language. Unchanged source files will be skipped (no update). To force an update for an unchanged source file, use the parameter forceAll (=True).
ExFcts.UpdateDatabaseUpdateDatabase( projFile As String, srcFile As String,
tgtFile As String, Lang As String, logFile As String, forceAll As Boolean,
nFilesUpdated As Variant, DeletedItems As Variant, NewItems As Variant,
ChangedItems As Variant ) As long

WritergetFile Writes all target files or one single (translated) target file in the specified language.
The target file name rule and the target file encoding designated in the project will be used. By default, a target file is written when it is outdated - otherwise it is skipped.
To force all target files to be written anew, use the parameter forceAll (=True).
ExFcts.WritergetFile(pojFile As String, SrcFile As String, TgtFile As String,
Lang As String, LogFile As String forceAll AS Boolean ) As long

Last Updated: 03/29/21