Verifies the translation (0%-100%) status of all source files contained in a translation
project for the specified target language.  A file is considered to be translated
when a translation (target text) exists for all text items and the translation status
of all items is set to either "translated" or "final."


ExFcts.TranslationStatus( projFile As String, Lang As String ) As long                                                  

Return: long; Value: 0-100 [%]

Parameters: prjFile As String
Project file name; the full path to the translation project file (.rwtproject)
or the project database file (.fsmdb).

Lang As String
Target language; the language code for the language to be used.

Dim lVal As long
lVal =  Application.ExFcts.TranslationStatus("MyProj.fsmdb", "fr-FR")

See also:

Class ExFcts

Last Updated: 03/20/21