Application object
Dictionaries object
Errors object
ExFcts object
Tools object
TRADOSGlossaries object
TranslationProjects object
User object
Windows object
Workspace object

The "Application" object represents the RC-WinTrans application. This object contains properties and methods which return objects of the root layer.

AfterOpenProjectDocument Event fired after the open project document process is finished.
AfterRemoveDictionary Event fired when a dictionary is is removed from the RC-WinTrans dictionary collection.
AfterRemoveFile Event fired after a project file has been removed.
AfterRemoveLanguage Event fired after a language has been removed.
AfterRemoveProject Event fired after a project has been removed from the project tree.
BeforeCloseProjectDocument Event fired before a project document is closed.
BeforeCloseWorkspace Event fired before the workspace is closed.
BeforeExit Event fired before exiting the application.
BeforeRemoveFile Event fired before a project file is removed.
BeforeRemoveLanguage Event fired before a language is removed.
BeforeRemoveProject Event fired before a translation project is removed.
BeforeSave Event fired before a project file is saved.
BeforeWriteTargetFile Event fired before a target file is written.
OnActivateProjectDocument Event fired when a project document has been activated.
OnAddDictionary Event fired when a dictionary is added to the RC-WinTrans dictionary collection.
OnAddFile Event fired if a project file has been added to the project.
OnAddLanguage Event fired if a language has been added to the project.
OnAddProject Event fired if a translation project has been added to the RC-WinTrans project tree.
OnChangeActiveSourceLanguage Event fired if the active source language has changed.
OnChangeActiveTargetLanguage Event fired if the active target language has changed.
OnChangeProjectFileModifiedFla Event fired if the modified flag of the project file has changed.
OnChangeProperty Event fired if a property has changed.
OnChangeRWTProjectFileModified Event fired if the ".rwtproject" file has changed.
OnCheckIsModified Event fired when a dictionary is checked to see if it is modified.
OnCheckIsOnline Event fired when a dictionary is checked to see if it is online.
OnEditTargetText Event fired if a target text has been edited.
OnExportTranslationUnits Event fired when items are exported to a dictionary.
OnFindTranslation Event fired when a text is searched for in a dictionary.
OnImportAlternateTranslations Event fired when alternate translations are imported from a dictionary.
OnImportTranslationUnits Event fired when items are imported from a dictionary.
OnOpenDocument Event fired if a project file has been opened.
OnOpenWorkspace Event fired if a workspace has been opened.
OnPostMessageToClients Event fired if a message is posted to COM clients.
OnPressFunctionKey Event fired if a function key 1 - 24 is pressed.
OnQueryItemCount Event fired when the item count of a dictionary is queried.
OnQuerySupportedLanguages Event fired when the supported languages of a dictionary are queried.
OnReloadDictionary Event fired when a dictionary is reloaded.
OnSaveTranslation Event fired when a text is saved to a dictionary.
OnSelectGroupItem Event fired when a group item is selected.
OnSelectProjectFileItem Event fired when a project file item is selected.
OnSelectProjectItem Event fired when a project item is selected.
OnSelectTransUnit Event fired when a translation unit is selected.
OnSelectWorkspaceItem Event fired when the workspace item is selected.
OnSendMessageToClients Event fired if a message is sent to COM clients.
OnSetTargetText Event fired if the target text has been set.
SaveDictionary Event fired if a dictionary is saved.
Exit Sends a request to terminate the application.
FlashInfo Shows the RC-WinTrans Flash Info window.
FlashInfo( InfoText As String, Attention As Boolean )
Logging Logs a progress, error or warning.
Logging( Module As String, Method As String, LoggingMessage As String, LoggingType As Long,
ErrorNumber As Long )
OpenGetProject Loads and opens a translation project by a given file name.
Application.OpenGetProject( projFile As String, Lang As String, Boolean openProjWindow ) As TranslationProject
PostMessageToClients Posts a message to all COM clients.
PostMessageToClients( Message As String, Value As String, Value1 As Long, Value2 As Long )
SendCommand Sends a command to the currently active window of RC-WinTrans.
SendCommand(CommandID As Long) As Boolean
SendMessageToClients Sends a message to all COM clients.
SendMessageToClients( Message As String, Value As String, Value1 As Long, Value2 As Long )
ActiveGroup Returns the active group.
ActiveProject Returns the active translation project.
ActiveProjectFile Returns the active project file.
ActiveTransUnit Returns the active translation unit.
ApplicationLanguage Returns the application language of RC-WinTrans or sets it.
Dictionaries Returns the "Dictionaries" collection.
Errors Returns the "Errors" collection.
ExFcts Returns the object of the extended functions (ExFcts).
Hwnd Returns the window handle of RC-WinTrans.
Name Returns the name of the application.
Tools Returns the "Tools" collection.
TRADOSTranslationMemories Returns the "TRADOSTranslationMemories" collection.
TranslationProjects Returns the "TranslationProjects" collection containing translation projects that are opened in RC-WinTrans but have no corresponding workspace.
User Returns the object of the current user.
VBAVersion Returns the version of VBA used in RC-WinTrans.
VBE Returns the Visual Basic Environment as an object.
Visible Returns or sets a Boolean value that determines whether the object is visible. Read/write.
WaitWindow Sets the wait window to be visible/invisible or gets the wait window if it is visible.
Windows Returns the "Windows" collection.
Workspace Returns the active workspace.

Last Updated: 03/29/21