RC-WinTrans Object Model Help |
Class Application |
The "Application" object represents the RC-WinTrans application. This object contains properties and methods which return objects of the root layer.
Member | Description | |
AfterOpenProjectDocument | Event fired after the open project document process is finished. | |
AfterRemoveDictionary | Event fired when a dictionary is is removed from the RC-WinTrans dictionary collection. | |
AfterRemoveFile | Event fired after a project file has been removed. | |
AfterRemoveLanguage | Event fired after a language has been removed. | |
AfterRemoveProject | Event fired after a project has been removed from the project tree. | |
BeforeCloseProjectDocument | Event fired before a project document is closed. | |
BeforeCloseWorkspace | Event fired before the workspace is closed. | |
BeforeExit | Event fired before exiting the application. | |
BeforeRemoveFile | Event fired before a project file is removed. | |
BeforeRemoveLanguage | Event fired before a language is removed. | |
BeforeRemoveProject | Event fired before a translation project is removed. | |
BeforeSave | Event fired before a project file is saved. | |
BeforeWriteTargetFile | Event fired before a target file is written. | |
OnActivateProjectDocument | Event fired when a project document has been activated. | |
OnAddDictionary | Event fired when a dictionary is added to the RC-WinTrans dictionary collection. | |
OnAddFile | Event fired if a project file has been added to the project. | |
OnAddLanguage | Event fired if a language has been added to the project. | |
OnAddProject | Event fired if a translation project has been added to the RC-WinTrans project tree. | |
OnChangeActiveSourceLanguage | Event fired if the active source language has changed. | |
OnChangeActiveTargetLanguage | Event fired if the active target language has changed. | |
OnChangeProjectFileModifiedFla | Event fired if the modified flag of the project file has changed. | |
OnChangeProperty | Event fired if a property has changed. | |
OnChangeRWTProjectFileModified | Event fired if the ".rwtproject" file has changed. | |
OnCheckIsModified | Event fired when a dictionary is checked to see if it is modified. | |
OnCheckIsOnline | Event fired when a dictionary is checked to see if it is online. | |
OnEditTargetText | Event fired if a target text has been edited. | |
OnExportTranslationUnits | Event fired when items are exported to a dictionary. | |
OnFindTranslation | Event fired when a text is searched for in a dictionary. | |
OnImportAlternateTranslations | Event fired when alternate translations are imported from a dictionary. | |
OnImportTranslationUnits | Event fired when items are imported from a dictionary. | |
OnOpenDocument | Event fired if a project file has been opened. | |
OnOpenWorkspace | Event fired if a workspace has been opened. | |
OnPostMessageToClients | Event fired if a message is posted to COM clients. | |
OnPressFunctionKey | Event fired if a function key 1 - 24 is pressed. | |
OnQueryItemCount | Event fired when the item count of a dictionary is queried. | |
OnQuerySupportedLanguages | Event fired when the supported languages of a dictionary are queried. | |
OnReloadDictionary | Event fired when a dictionary is reloaded. | |
OnSaveTranslation | Event fired when a text is saved to a dictionary. | |
OnSelectGroupItem | Event fired when a group item is selected. | |
OnSelectProjectFileItem | Event fired when a project file item is selected. | |
OnSelectProjectItem | Event fired when a project item is selected. | |
OnSelectTransUnit | Event fired when a translation unit is selected. | |
OnSelectWorkspaceItem | Event fired when the workspace item is selected. | |
OnSendMessageToClients | Event fired if a message is sent to COM clients. | |
OnSetTargetText | Event fired if the target text has been set. | |
SaveDictionary | Event fired if a dictionary is saved. | |
Exit | Sends a request to terminate the application. Exit()
FlashInfo |
Shows the RC-WinTrans Flash Info window.
FlashInfo( InfoText As String, Attention As Boolean )
Logging | Logs a progress, error or warning. Logging( Module As String, Method As String, LoggingMessage As String, LoggingType As Long,
ErrorNumber As Long ) |
OpenGetProject | Loads and opens a translation project by a given file name. Application.OpenGetProject( projFile As String, Lang As String, Boolean openProjWindow ) As TranslationProject
PostMessageToClients | Posts a message to all COM clients. PostMessageToClients( Message As String, Value As String, Value1 As Long, Value2 As Long )
SendCommand |
Sends a command to the currently active window of RC-WinTrans.
SendCommand(CommandID As Long) As Boolean
SendMessageToClients | Sends a message to all COM clients. SendMessageToClients( Message As String, Value As String, Value1 As Long, Value2 As Long )
ActiveGroup | Returns the active group. | |
ActiveProject | Returns the active translation project. | |
ActiveProjectFile | Returns the active project file. | |
ActiveTransUnit | Returns the active translation unit. | |
ApplicationLanguage | Returns the application language of RC-WinTrans or sets it. | |
Dictionaries | Returns the "Dictionaries" collection. | |
Errors | Returns the "Errors" collection. | |
ExFcts | Returns the object of the extended functions (ExFcts). | |
Hwnd | Returns the window handle of RC-WinTrans. | |
Name | Returns the name of the application. | |
Tools | Returns the "Tools" collection. | |
TRADOSTranslationMemories | Returns the "TRADOSTranslationMemories" collection. | |
TranslationProjects | Returns the "TranslationProjects" collection containing translation projects that are opened in RC-WinTrans but have no corresponding workspace. | |
User | Returns the object of the current user. | |
VBAVersion | Returns the version of VBA used in RC-WinTrans. | |
VBE | Returns the Visual Basic Environment as an object. | |
Visible | Returns or sets a Boolean value that determines whether the object is visible. Read/write. | |
WaitWindow | Sets the wait window to be visible/invisible or gets the wait window if it is visible. | |
Windows | Returns the "Windows" collection. | |
Workspace | Returns the active workspace. |