Dictionaries (Overview) Last update: January 2014 |
RC-WinTrans supports translation through the use of dictionaries and translation memories (TMs). These resources can be used to find translations for one, some, or all items needing to be translated. Depending on the number of resources available and their contents, this feature can significantly reduce the number of items needing to be translated manually by a translator, thereby reducing the overall cost of translation.
Dictionaries are made available to RC-WinTrans by adding them to the Dictionaries view.
Figure 1: The Dictionaries view in the Workspace bar where a text file dictionaries and two translation memory files (SDL Trados and Trados) have been added and are available for use. The dictionary and the TMs are enabled as find references, as indicated by the checked checkboxes. The "En-Ja-Standard.txt" dictionary is also enabled as a save reference. |
RC-WinTrans supports dictionaries in the form of (simple) text files (TXT) and TMX files (also called RC-WinTrans dictionaries )- see "Dictionary Types" below.
Data exchange between RC-WinTrans and file-based translation memories (TM) such as Trados™ and SDL Trados™ are another important asset in localization. Data can be imported from and exported to these TM systems to assist in translating the current project or to save translations for reuse in the future.
Supported translation memory formats:
Two RC-WinTrans Add-Ons are available for exchanging information with Web-based translation databases- one for the Mircrosoft and the Google™ machine translation tools (see also "Dictionary Types" below) as well as one for the Logoport system from Lionbridge.
Dictionaries are typically used for the following tasks:
RC-WinTrans works with file based translation memories from Trados (.tmw) and SDL Trados (.sdltm) and with text file (.txt) dictionaries and TMX files (.tmx) dictionaries.
Special add-ons for online systems like Microsoft's Bing Translator and Google Translate have also been created to integrate these data resources into the RC-WinTrans environment where they too can be accessed by dictionary functions.
RC-WinTrans supports the following dictionary types (file types):
You can create a dictionary or translation memory by using the Dictionary/TM | New menu command.
Location (path). A dictionary (dictionary file) does not need to have a specific location. It can be placed anywhere on the local disk or on a network drive. The dictionaries that are delivered with RC-WinTrans are located in the "Dictionaries" folder of the RC-WinTrans installation directory.
A dictionary is made available to RC-WinTrans by adding it to the Dictionaries view. This can be done in one of two ways:
Find and save references can be enabled/disabled for a dictionary in the Dictionaries tab view.
Most users have their own criteria for finding translations in a dictionary. The criteria for finding text in and saving it from dictionaries can be specified in the Dictionary/TM Options dialog box.
Please refer to the RC-WinTrans Help topic "Finding Translations in Dictionaries."
Please refer to the RC-WinTrans Help topic "Automatic Translation (Overview)."
The selected translation unit(s) are saved to all dictionaries set as "save references" (provided the dictionary supports the same source and target languages).
Translation data can be imported from and exported to a certain dictionary listed in the Dictionaries tab view. These functions are used to import translation data (target texts) for a number of project items (translation units) at once. This is done by selecting the items in the Text Table view and executing the Import or Export command.
See also: "Import/Export (Overview)."
Please refer to the RC-WinTrans Help topic "Dictionaries Toolbar and Dictionary/TM Menu."
The contents of a dictionary (.txt or tmx) or a translation memory (.sdltm) can be displayed and edited using the RC-WinTrans TM Workbench.