State flags are used to specify the (translation) status of a . The predefined state flags available for translation units are as defined in the XLIFF Specification 1.1 (which is the underlying data standard of RC-WinTrans).
The following table shows all of the state flags defined in the XLIFF Specification 1.1. There is one state flag that is an extension of RC-WinTrans- this is the “x-changed“ flag.
Indicates the terminating state.
XLIFF specification
Indicates only non-textual information needs adaptation.
XLIFF specification
Indicates both text and non-textual information needs adaptation.
XLIFF specification
Indicates only non-textual information needs review.
XLIFF specification
Indicates both text and non-textual information needs review.
XLIFF specification
Indicates that only the text of the item needs to be reviewed.
XLIFF specification
Indicates that the item needs to be translated.
XLIFF specification
Indicates that the item is new. For example, the translation units that were not in a previous version of the document.
XLIFF specification
Indicates that changes are reviewed and approved.
XLIFF specification
Indicates that the item has been translated.
XLIFF specification
Indicates the translation unit is translated but the has changed (afterwards).
Further information on the XLIFF Specification 1.1 can be found at:

Initial State
Initially, a single has no state assigned to it after the resource file is added to a project.

Text Table View
The state flag for a translation unit is shown in the "State"5 column of the Text Table view (Project window).
Statistics (Pie Graph)
The distribution of state flags is displayed visually in a pie graph in the Statistics dialog.

State Flag Changes
Manual State Changes
See: "Setting Item Attributes and State Flags."
Automatic State Changes)
RC-WinTrans sets/changes the state flag for a translation unit as required. The following actions/processes can force a state flag change:
After editing/entering a translation in the Translation Edit bar the state of the current will automatically be set to “translated.“ The state is set to “needs-translation“ if the target text is deleted in the Translation Edit bar.
The state is set to “new“ or “x-changed“ after an update process is performed (updating the database after source file changes). The “new“ state flag is applied if the translation unit was recently added during the update process. The “x-changed“ state flag is used if the update process has updated the for a that has already been translated.

State Flag Changes
There are four state flags that are automatically set by RC-WinTrans as required. They are the “translated,“ the “needs-translation,“ the “new,“ and the “x-changed“ state flags.
TIP: The user can determine when and where to use certain state flags (set manually). RC-WinTrans only sets the four previously mentioned state flags (“translated,“ “needs-translation,“ “new,“ and “x-changed“) automatically because these flags define the state of the as the result of a certain process which has modified the source or target text.
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