Glossary of Terms


Accelerator Key

An accelerator key is a keyboard shortcut that is accessed by holding down modifier keys (SHIFT, CTRL, ALT, or combinations of these) and pressing another key on the keyboard at the same time.  Accelerator keys are implemented using an accelerator table resource.

Figure 1: Example of a File menu with three menu items and their corresponding accelerator keys that perform the same command.


ActiveX Control

Programmable elements formerly known as OLE controls, OCXs, or OLE custom controls.


Control Character

Control characters are used to format a string by adding codes to represent line feeds or tabulator characters.  A control character always begins with a backslash followed by a character that specifies the purpose of the constant.



Character-separated values.  A text file format.


Dialog Box




An interface element in a GUI (graphical user interface) that accepts the input of text.


Graphical user interface.


Extended Style Flags


Right-to-left reading order.  Dialog box and dialog box control text is displayed in right-to-left reading order (RTL) for languages such as Hebrew or Arabic.


Right-aligned text.  Specifies that text is right-aligned within the dialog box.


Left scroll bar.



An interface element in a GUI (graphical user interface) that accepts the input of text.






A picture on a screen that represents a specific file, directory, window, option, or program.



Microsoft Visual Basic integrated development environment.



A picture.

Java Properties File

A Java resource file, usually with the file extension .properties.



The abbreviation of localization (the initial and final letters and then ten between them): the process of making a program work in a particular location.  It includes both translating messages and tweaking such things as measurements, currency symbols, and temperature scales.



An application is localized if its user interface has been translated into the target language.



Multi-byte character set.  A character set in which each character is represented as either a 1-byte or 2-byte value. The standard ASCII character set is a subset of the multi-byte character set, which is used for languages that require a set of more than 256 characters.







Multiple-Language Resource File

A resource file that supports more than one language simultaneously.  Often implies the ability to handle more than one script or character set.



The Microsoft .NET platform.  Includes a comprehensive family of products- clients that power smart devices, services, servers, and tools- designed to support XML and incorporate Internet industry standards.

See also:  .Net Files

Placeholder Character


Placeholder characters define the position of a string or number that is inserted into a different string.  This insertion is done by the application during run- time.


Placeholder characters always start with a percent character (%) followed by a character (e.g., %d and %s) that specifies the type of item that should be inserted into the given string.


Program File

Executable program file (binary data files), usually with the file extensions EXE (program file, DLL (dynamic-link library), or OCX (ActiveX OLE controls).


Project File

A collection of related data or program records stored as a unit with a single name.  Also a file or any one of the files in a workspace.

A project file has the file extenstion .rwtproject.

Project Information File

Contains all the information for a given project.  The file format for a project information file is .rwtproj.


Resource File

A file that usually comes from a software development project (code file) or a binary executable file (EXE, DLL) that contains localizable resources (localizable data).  These resources are usually text, layout, and image data.


In RC-WinTrans a resource file is also a source file ("input" file) to be translated and written as a translated target file ("output" file).



In RC-WinTrans a resource file is also a source file ("input" file) to be translated and written as a translated target file ("output" file).


Resource-Only DLL

A dynamic-link library (DLL) with single language resources.  Usually the DLL only has resources and does not have an executable code.  An application loads the DLL at run-time to use its specific language resources.



Right-to-left reading order (Middle Eastern, Hebrew, and Arabic languages).


State Flag

State flags describe the (translation) status of a translation unit with a descriptive word or phrase (i.e., "new," "needs-review," or "translated."  See also: State Flags.


A series of characters manipulated as a group.  A character string differs from a name in that it does not represent anything- a name stands for some other object.

A character string is often specified by enclosing the characters in single or double quotes. For example, WASHINGTON would be a name, but 'WASHINGTON' and "WASHINGTON" would be character strings.



System Macro

A macro is an automated series of program commands. "System macros" refers to those macros that contain the system functionality for RC-WinTrans.


Translation Unit

A translation unit is essentially a source text and a target text where a target text does not have to exist.



Translation memory exchange.  A file format for porting translation text data between different tools.  The TMX format is XML-compliant.  More...



TRADOS GmbH, Stuttgart, Germany.


Translation Data File

A file that stores translation data plus additional data such as tasks, comments, and bookmarks. More...


Translation Unit

A translation unit is essentially a source text and a target text where a target text does not have to exist.

NOTE: The term "translation unit" may also be found in association with other applications or data sources and in these cases usually refers to other data or object types.  For example, when used in conjunction with a TRADOS translation memory a translation unit is defined as "a segment or sentence pair in source and target languages," and with TMX as "an entry consisting of aligned segments of text in two or more languages."



A 16-bit character set capable of encoding all known characters and used as a worldwide character-encoding standard.



Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications.


Microsoft Visual SourceSafe.


The Win32 application programming interface (API) provides building blocks used by applications written for the Microsoft Windows operating system family.  The Win32 API defines the 32-bit members of the Windows family from the programmer's point of view.  Some members of the Windows family use the entire Win32 API, while others use subsets.



A workspace organizes several projects by grouping them together.  More...



What you see is what you get.