Dialog Box:

Export XLIFF 2.0/QuickShip Exchange File

Export TMX File

New in April 2017.




The Export XLIFF 2.0 QuickShip Exchange/File dialog box is used to export text data and additional item information from a translation project to a QuickShip exchange file (.xliffex) or XLIFF 2.0 file (.xliff).


Additional data can be imported along with the translation unit consisting of source and translation text.



USE #2 (TMX)

The Export TMX File dialog box is used to export text data to a Translation Memory eXchange file (.tmx).

NOTE – ELEMENT NAME: An exported element gets a unique name (an ID) in the target file.  The name can be used by RC-WinTrans to assign the data upon importing data from the exported file.



Figure: The Export XLIFF 2.0/QuickShip Exchange File dialog.



Dialog Box Elements



Select/New... Button (Target File)

Opens a dialog box to specify the name and location of a new target file or to select an existing one.


File Name Combo Box (Target File)

The name of the file into which the selected data should be exported.  This can be the name of an existing file or of a new one.


Source language and Target language (Translation) Fields

Translation Project: Indicates the project's active source and target languages.

Target File: A newly created target file created will have the source and target languages of the current project.  When the target file already exists, the name of the file's source and target languages will not be changed.  If a language of the data to be exported does not match the languages in the existing file this will be indicated to the user.

In addition to the source language, a TMX file can already have data for more than one target language.  Use the Translations combo box to select the file's target language.  RC-WinTrans preselects the target language of the current project (and thereby the language of the data to be exported) by default.



Data Group Box

Selected items Radio Button

When this option is activated the export process will be applied to all items (translation units) currently (multiple-)selected in RC-WinTrans' Text Table view.  The total number of selected items is indicated in the field next to the element.

Selected file Radio Button

Used to export all items (translation units) from the project file currently active in the translation project.  The name of the active file is shown in the field below the option element.

All files Radio Button

Selecting this option exports translations for all the items in the active translation project.  Use the check boxes to specify the state of the translation units (TUs) that will qualify for the export operation:


Translated Check Box

Exports items with the translation status "translated" and "final."


Not translated Check Box

Exports translation units that do not have the translation status "translated" or "final." These are, for example, items with the translation status "new," "needs-review," or "not translated."


Changed source Check Box

Exports items with the translation status "changed source."



Options Group Box

Append data (keep/update existing data) Check Box

Check this option to add the data to the existing file.  If it is unchecked a new file will be created.

Remove hotkey specification character from source and target texts Check Box

Check this option to export the source and the translation texts without the hotkey specification (without the ampersand character ("&")).

(XLIFF ONLY) Flat XML structure (no parent groups hierarchy) Check Box

Check this option to export a "flat" XML structure, i.e., one that does not create the hierarchy of an item's parent groups.

Copy source to target if not translated Check Box

Check this option to use the source text as the target text for items that have not been translated.



Attach Group Box

Notes (source and target) Check Box

Check this option to export any notes for an item's source and/or translation texts.

(XLIFF ONLY): Re-check items (marker + text) Check Box

Check this option to export re-check markers and their description texts.

(XLIFF ONLY) Task items (marker + text) Check Box

Check this option to export task markers and their description texts.



Content Extract Display (Target File)

A view of a portion (approximately the first 400) of the target file's elements (if the target file already exists).


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