Tools object
XMLTool object
XLIFFFile object

The "XMLTool" object provides functionality useful in conjunction with XML and XLIFF files.

CheckMimeType Returns the mime type of the given file.
CheckMimeType( URL As String ) As String
ConvertBase64ToBinaryFile Converts a given Base64 text to a binary file.
ConvertBase64ToBinaryFile( Base64Text As String,
BinaryFileName As String ) As Boolean
ConvertBinaryFileToBase64 Converts a given binary file to a Base64 text. The method returns the Base64 text as String.
ConvertBinaryFileToBase64( BinaryFileName As String ) As String
CreateChecksum Creates a checksum for a given file.
CreateChecksum(FileName As String) As Double
CreateXLIFFFile Creates an empty XLIFFFile object with the given name and returns this object.
CreateXLIFFFile( Filename As String ) As XLIFFFile
GetSourceFileChecksumFromXLIFF Returns the checksum of a source file as it is saved in the given XLIFF file.
GetSourceFileChecksumFromXLIFFFile(XLIFFFileName As String) As Double
Transform Transforms a given IXMLDOMNode with a given XSTL file to a target file.
Transform( DOMNode As IXMLDOMNode, XSLTFileName As String,
TargetFileName As String, Overwrite As Boolean ) As Boolean

Last Updated: 03/17/21