ProjectFiles object
ProjectFile object
SubFiles object
TransUnits object

The "ProjectFile" object represents a source file in RC-WinTrans.

AddNamespaceURIPrefix Adds a namespace URI definition to the XLIFF source file.
AddNamespaceURIPrefix( NamespaceURI As String, Prefix As String ) As Boolean
CompareSourceFiles Compares the project file to a given source file. A stand-alone project file for the given source file will be returned. If a translation unit of the calling project file matches a translation unit in the given source file the corresponding translation unit node numbers are stored in the same index in the arrays.
CompareSourceFiles(SourceFileName As String, ImportAlsoSameAsSource As Boolean,
TransUnitNodeNumberArray1 As Variant, TransUnitNodeNumberArray2 As Variant) As ProjectFile
CountChanges Returns the number of changes made so far.
CountChanges() As Long
CountItems Returns the number of items in the project file.
CountItems() As Long
CountWords Returns the number of words in the project file.
CountWords() As Long
CreateChangesProtocol Creates a protocol file with the changes of the corresponding source file.
CreateChangesProtocol( ProtocolFile As Variant, DeletedItems As Variant,
NewItems As Variant, ChangedItems As Variant ) As Boolean
GetCorrespondingTransUnits Returns the project file with the given language loaded as target language. The numbers of the translation units corresponding to the translation units with the numbers given in the InArray are returned in the OutArray for the returned project file.
GetCorrespondingTransUnits( LanguageCode As String, InArray As Variant, OutArray As Variant ) As ProjectFile
GetGroup Returns a "Group" object with the given node number.
GetGroup( NodeNumber As Long ) As Group
GetLanguageFileName Returns the file name of the XLIFF language file with the given language.
GetLanguageFileName( LanguageCode As String ) As String
GetNamespaceURIPrefix Returns the prefix of a given namespace URI used in the XLIFF source file.
GetNamespaceURIPrefix( NamespaceURI As String ) As String
GetNodeNumber Returns the node number corresponding to the given XMLDOMNode interface.
GetNodeNumber(XMLDOMNode As IXMLDOMNode) As Long
GetSubFile Returns the subfile with the given node number.
GetSubFile( NodeNumber As Long ) As SubFile
GetTargetFileName Returns the name of the target file with the given target language.
GetTargetFileName(TargetLanguage As String) As String
GetTransUnit Returns the translation unit with the given node number.
GetTransUnit( NodeNumber As Long ) As TransUnit
IsGroup Returns whether the node is a group.
IsGroup( NodeNumber As Long ) As Boolean
IsLoaded Returns whether the project file data is loaded.
IsLoaded() As Boolean
IsSubFile Returns whether the node is a subfile.
IsSubFile( NodeNumber as Long ) As Boolean
IsTargetFileUpToDate Returns whether the default target file for the given target language is up-to-date. This means that the corresponding target file with the default path matches the actual translation of the project file with the given target language.
IsTargetFileUpToDate(TargetLanguage As String) As Boolean
IsTransUnit Returns whether the node is a translation unit.
IsTransUnit( NodeNumber As Long ) As Boolean
IsUpToDate Returns whether the project file for the given target language is up-to-date. "Up-to-date" means that the source file matches the data saved in the database for the given target language.
IsUpToDate(TargetLanguage As String) As Boolean
Load Loads the project file data.
Load( SourceLanguage As String, TargetLanguage As String ) As Boolean
Reload Reloads the project file.
Reload() As Boolean
RemoveNamespaceURIPrefix Removes a namespace URI definition from the XLIFF source file.
RemoveNamespaceURIPrefix( NamespaceURI As String ) As Boolean
Save Saves the project file.
Save() As Boolean
Update Updates the project file for the active target language if changes have been made to the source file.
Update( ProtocolFile As Variant, DeletedItems As Variant, NewItems As Variant,
ChangedItems As Variant ) As Boolean
Update_2 Updates the file's data for the given target language if changes have been made to the source file.
Update_2( Language As String, ProtocolFile As Variant, DeletedItems As Variant, NewItems As Variant,
ChangedItems As Variant ) As Boolean
WriteTargetFile Writes a target file for the active target language.
WriteTargetFile( TargetFile As String, PseudoTranslation As Boolean ) As Boolean
WriteTargetFile_2 Writes a target file for a given target language.
WriteTargetFile_2( Language As String, TargetFile As String, PseudoTranslation As Boolean ) As Boolean
Datatype Returns the data type as an enumeration value of the type "XLIFFDatatypes."
DatatypeString Returns the datatype of the project file as a string.
DateTimeCreated Returns the date and time that the project file was created.
DateTimeModified Returns the date and time that the project file was last modified.
EditorName Returns the name of the editor who last modified the project file.
Modified Returns or sets whether the project file has been modified.
Parent Returns the "ProjectFiles" collection.
SourceFileChanged Returns whether the source file for the active target language has changed.
SourceFileExist Returns whether the source file exists.
SourceFileName Returns the source file name of the project file.
SubFiles Returns the collection of corresponding subfiles.
TranslationStatus Returns the translation status of the project file.
TransUnits Returns the collection of translaton units.
XMLDOMDocument Returns the IXMLDOMDocument interface corresponding to the project file.

Last Updated: 03/19/21