Writes a target file for a given target language.


WriteTargetFile_2( Language As String, TargetFile As String, PseudoTranslation As Boolean ) As Boolean
Return: Boolean
Language: Target language code.
TargetFile: Name and path of the target file.
PseudoTranslation: If "PseudoTranslation" is set to "True," the target file will be written with pseudo-translations as specified in the pseudo-translation properties.
Dim ProjFile As ProjectFile
Dim RetVal As Boolean

Set ProjFile = Application.ActiveProjectFile
If Not (ProjFile Is Nothing) Then
  RetVal = ProjFile.WriteTargetFile_2("fr", "C:\Data\Target.rc", False)
End If

If Application.Errors.Count > 0 Then
  MsgBox ( Application.Errors.LastError )
End If

See also:

Class ProjectFile | ProjectFile.IsUpToDate

Last Updated: 10/18/09