Original source language Field
Indicates the source language (language of the ) for the active translation project.
Active source language Field
Indicates which of the project's languages is currently set as the source language.
Languages List Box
Lists the languages included in the current project. The radio buttons and checkboxes next to each language are used to determine the active source language for the translation project and the target language(s) to be visible in the Text Table view. Languages can be added to or removed from the list with the Add new and Remove buttons.
Visibility On/Off Button
Changes the visibility status of the language currently selected in the Languages list box.
Settings Button
Opens the Language Settings dialog box for the selected target language.
Add new Button
Opens the New Target Language dialog box where you can select a target language to be added to the translation project.
Remove Button
Removes the selected target language.
Change name Button
Use this button to change the selected language to a different language.