RC-WinTrans supplies additional information about the current state of each translation unit using what are known as "state flags" and "item attributes." These attributes assist the user in designating, locating, and sorting items to simplify the translation process.
Item states range from "new" to "final," and can be changed manually by the user. The item state usually refers to the state of the translation unit's target element (target text), but there are some states which reflect the state of the source element (e.g., "new" and "changed source").
Item attributes indicate special circumstances for a translation unit, such as "excluded from translation" or "locked"; they are set manually by the user.
Attributes and state flags are set/changed as follows:
Figure 1: Commands for setting item attributes (and state flags) in the Edit menu. |
Figure 2: The Item State toolbar. |
Figure 3: The combo-box in the Text Table view's State column used to select the state flag for an item. |