Translation Edit Bar Options Dialog Box

Last update: December 2016


The Options dialog box for the Translation Edit bar (see figure) contains options for adjusting certain functionality and display settings in the window.  Use the rightmost toolbar button at

the top of the Translation Edit bar (shown here) to open the Options dialog box.


The dialog has two tabs with options described below.



 Figure: The Translation Edit bar's Options dialog.


Translation Edit Bar Tab

The Translation Edit Bar tab has the following options/elements:



RETURN/ENTER Key Activates... Group Box

Select the action that will be performed when the RETURN key is pressed while working in the Translation Edit bar.  The OK command simply accepts the translation while the OK Next command accepts the translation and jumps to the next non-translated item.



Leading and trailing spaces indication Check Box

Leading and trailing spaces before and after a text can be visually indicated with a colored underline mark in the Translation Edit bar by activating this checkbox.



Right-aligned text for RTL languages Check Box

Enables/Disables right-aligned text display in the Translation Edit bar for RTL (right-to-left) languages.



Note/Comment Field Group Box

The options provided here let you show or hide the Note edit field in the Translation Edit bar and adjust its width.


Show shared notes (check box)

Enable/Disable to show Shared Notes in the Note field..



Font Size Tab

The options on the Font Size tab adjust the appearance of the font in the Translation Edit bar.
Formatting options for the Text Table view are also included.