RC-WinTrans' Dialog Box Layout Editor makes it possible to modify the layout of and dialog box controls according to the specifications of the target language.

Properties Button
Opens the Properties dialog box (for the or a selected control item).

Edit ActiveX Control Properties Button ( SOFTWARE ONLY)
Opens the property pages of a selected .
See also: "Localizing ActiveX Control Data (Win32)."

Reset ActiveX Control Properties Button ( SOFTWARE ONLY)
Resets the property data of a selected back to the source property data.
See also: "Localizing ActiveX Control Data (Win32)."

Copy to Clipboard Button
Copies the dialog box as it is currently displayed to the clipboard.

Undo Size and Position Changes Button
Undoes all changes made to the dialog box layout since the Save command was last used.

Set Original Size and Position Button
Resets the size and position of the selected control(s) back to the original settings.

Align Left Button
Aligns the left edge of the selected control with the dominant control.

Align Right Button
Aligns the right edge of the selected control with the dominant control.

Align Top Button
Aligns the bottom edge of the selected control with the dominant control.

Align Bottom Button
Aligns the bottom edge of the selected control with the dominant control.

Center Vertically Button
Centers the control vertically within the .

Center Horizontally Button
Centers the control horizontally within the .

Space Horizontally Button
Evenly spaces the selected controls horizontally.

Space Vertically Button
Evenly spaces the selected controls vertically.

Same Width Button
Resizes the selected control to the same width as the dominant control.

Same Height Button
Resizes the selected control to the same height as the dominant control.

Same Size Button
Resizes the selected control to the same size as the dominant control.