RC-WinTrans comes with the following spell check dictionaries:
Danish: 102,000 words.
Dutch: 178,000 words. Includes "the new spelling" (De Nieuwe Spelling).
English: 100,000 American, British, and Canadian English words.
Finnish: 251,000 words.
French: 137,000 words. Contains both European and Canadian spellings.
German: 295,000 words. Includes "the spelling reform" (Die Neue Rechtschreibung).
Italian: 283,000 words.
Norwegian: 75,000 words in the Bokmål dialect.
Portuguese (Brazilian): 119,000 words.
Portuguese (Iberian): 135,000 words.
Spanish: 288,000 words. Contains European, Mexican, and South American words.
Swedish: 110,000 words.
Asian languages such as Chinese, Japanese, and Korean are not compatible with spell checkers- it is not possible to form a symbol which is misspelled with ideographic Chinese, Japanese, and Korean.

Main Spelling Dictionaries and User Spelling Dictionaries
RC-WinTrans comes with spelling dictionaries for the following languages: Danish, Dutch, English (UK), English (US), Finnish, French, German, Italian, Norwegian (Nynorsk), Portuguese, Portuguese (Brazilian), Spanish, an Swedish.
There are two kinds of spelling dictionaries:
Main Dictionaries
A main dictionary is a (large) collection of commonly used words in one specific language. The main dictionary is normally compressed and is not modifiable by users at run-time.
RC-WinTrans comes with two main dictionaries for the languages listed above. One is a compiled dictionary file (binary file) with the file extension ".clx" and the other is a text file dictionary with the file extension ".tlx."
The main dictionaries are installed by the RC-WinTrans setup program and are immediately available to the user.
User Dictionaries
A user dictionary is a set of words in text form. Words can be added to or removed from a user dictionary. User dictionaries are generally accessed quickly, but they take up more space per word than compressed dictionaries (file extension = .clx). Text dictionaries are sometimes also called "user dictionaries" (file extension = .tlx).
It is possible to have several user dictionaries. A dictionary can be added, removed, edited, and newly created using the Spelling Dictionaries dialog box, accessed via the Spell Checker property page in the Options dialog box.
Existing MS Word dictionaries can be used as main and/or as user dictionaries. The MS Word dictionaries have the file extension ".dic."
The RC-WinTrans dictionaries are copied to the "Common Files" folder of your system's "Program Files" folder. This is also the default directory for user dictionaries.

Editing Dictionaries and User Spelling Dictionaries
Whenever the Check Spelling dialog box is prompted for a (possible) spelling error, a new word (or words) can be added to a current language's user dictionary by using the Add command button in the Check Spelling dialog box. A new word can also be added using the local menu.
The Spelling Dictionaries dialog box can be used to add and remove words to/from a user dictionary at any time. Open this dialog box by:
Selecting the Tools | Options menu commands to call up the Options dialog box;
Clicking on the Spell Checker property page found there; then
Pressing the Edit button.
NOTE: The Spelling Dictionaries dialog box also lets you create a new user dictionary (Edit/New file button).