Find Text Dialog Box

Last update: February 2017


Use RC-WinTrans' Find Text dialog box to find a character or text in the active view or in the active translation project.


Open the dialog box using any of the following methods:


press the F3 function key.



click on the Find toolbar button.


select the Find command from the Edit menu.



Figure 1: The Find Text dialog box with the Current View tab active.



Options and Commands (Dialog Box Elements)



Find what Edit Field

Specifies the search text to match.  You can also use the drop-down list to select from a list of up to 10 previous search strings.


and Edit Field

Specifies  a second search text to match. RC-WinTrans will try to find the second text in the same segment (same column) as the text in the Find what field.


Use as regular expression Check Box

Check this option to use the text in the Find What text box as regular expression for the Find Text operation.  Regular expressions are a concise and flexible notation for finding and replacing patterns of text. (Examples...)




Match case Check Box

Check this check box to only find those text strings that match the case of the characters in the Find what string exactly.  If this option is not selected, the command finds strings that match the characters in the Find what string regardless of whether the characters are upper or lowercase.


Match whole word only Check Box

Select this option to only match text strings that are preceded and followed by a space, tab, punctuation mark, or the beginning or the end of a line.  If this option is not selected, the command matches any string independent of whether or not it is a fragment of a larger string.


Ignore hotkey specification (‘&’ or _) Check Box

If this option is checked an ampersand mnemonic prefix character (&) within a text will be ignored.


Beginning with Check Box

Check this option to force the beginning characters of the find results to match the string exactly.




Fuzzy match Check Box

Check this option to find text strings that match the indicated string partially.  Enter in a minimum match value (expressed in a percentage) for a fuzzy match in the field provided.

NOTE: Using this option to perform a search of a large number of text items or files can be quite time-consuming.  It is intended as a second search option when the main search (using the Find what text box in combination with the "match case," "match whole word only," "ignore hotkey specification" and "beginning with" search modifiers) produces no or few results.




Set markers Check Box

RC-WinTrans will indicate matching items with a temporary (blue dot) marker (for easy visual identification) when this option is checked.


Remove existing markers Check Box

Select this option to remove any markers that have been placed before new markers are set as a result of the search.


Maximum number of found results Edit Field

Enter the maximum number of found results that can be returned by the find text operation here.


List Results in Find Results 1 and Find Results 2 Radio Buttons

Select the preferred Find Results view for displaying the results of the find text operation.




Find where Tabs

Specifies where to search for a particular character or text:

Current View

(Figure 1) Search for text in the active view (Text Table/Dialog Box/Menu view).  Check the appropriate check box(es) to search in the IDs, the source language, and/or the target language.   A search can also be run on notes, origin and date/time information.


(Figure 2) Search for text in the active translation project and/or in other projects (open or closed).

>>  Options for searching in translation projects:


Search IDs, the source language, and/or the target language (target language will be that of the active project).  A search can also be run on notes, origin and date/time information.


Search strings (i.e., text) and/or non-string types (e.g., font name, size data, shortcuts, etc.).


Search in active project and/or other projects (opened or closed).




Find Button

Starts the Find Text operation and closes the dialog box.



Figure 2: The Find Text dialog box with the Project tab active.



The results of a Find command will be displayed in the Find Results view (Find Results 1 or Find Results 2) designated by the selection for list results at the bottom of the Find Text dialog.


See also: "Replace Dialog Box."



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