Exports a translation project as database based project (.fsmdb).


ExportProject(TargetProjFile As String, Name As String, 
              srcLang As String, tgtLang As String,[TargetLangsArray]) As Boolean
Return: Boolean. "True" if successful. Else "False".
TargetProjectFile: File name of the target project. File extension *.fsmdb. or *.rwtproject.

Name: Name of the project. Used in the project tree view of RC-WinTrans. Can be empty ("") to use the name from the source project.

srcLang: Target language used as the active source language. Can be empty ("") to use the original project's source language.

tgtLang: Target language to be exported and set as the active target target language.

TargetLangsArray: Target languages exported additionally to the specified target language (tgtLang). The arrray contgains the target languages (strings) as Variant types. This parameter is optional (default: "nothing").

' Example 1
' ----------
Dim Proj As TranslationProject
Set Proj = RCWinTrans.ActiveProject

If Not (Proj Is Nothing) Then
  bVal = Proj.ExportProject("c:\tgtProj.fsmdb", "TranslatorProj", "", "de")
End If

' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

'Example 2
' ---------
Dim LangsAry(1) As Variant
Dim v As Variant

v = "fr"
LangsAry(0) = v
v = "de"
LangsAry(1) = v

Dim Proj As TranslationProject
Set Proj = RCWinTrans.ActiveProject

If Not (Proj Is Nothing) Then
  bVal = Proj.ExportProject("c:\tgtProj.fsmdb", "TranslatorProj", "", "de", LangsAry)
End If
Remarks: Exports a translation project (.fsmdb database file). The database includes the project definition file (.rwtproject).

See also:

Class TranslationProject | TranslationProject.ImportFromProject

Last Updated: 09/18/09