Checks for spelling errors in the given text.


HasSpellingErrors( Text As String, LanguageCode As String ) As Boolean
Return: Boolean
Parameters: Text Text to be checked for spelling errors.
LanguageCode Language code of the language to be checked.

Dim Tool As WordsAnalysis
Dim LangCode As String
Dim TU As TransUnit
Dim SpellingErrors As Boolean

Set Tool = Application.Tools.WordsAnalysis
Set TU = Application.ActiveTransUnit
LangCode = "ja"

If (Tool.IsSpellCheckerSupportedLanguage(LangCode)) Then
    If Not (TU Is Nothing) Then
        SpellingErrors = Tool.HasSpellingErrors(TU.Target, LangCode)
    End If
End If

See also:

Class WordsAnalysis

Last Updated: 04/27/05