Sets the translation state qualifier of the translation unit.


SetStateQualifier( enumStateQualifier As XLIFFTransUnitStateQualifier, 
ExtendedName As String ) As Boolean
Return: Boolean
Parameters: enumStateQualifier A member of the enumeration of the XLIFF state qualifier.
ExtendedName If the state qualifier is not an XLIFF state the "enumStateQualifier" parameter must be "state_x_extended" and the "ExtendedName" parameter is the state. Otherwise the "ExtendedName" parameter is an empty string.

Dim TU As TransUnit
Dim RetVal As Boolean

Set TU = Application.ActiveTransUnit

RetVal =  TU.SetStateQualifier(statequalifier_x_extended, "x_dubious")


RetVal =  TU.SetStateQualifier(statequalifier_exact_match, "")

See also:

Class TransUnit

Last Updated: 04/27/05