This method saves all the descriptive strings of an RC-WinTrans enumeration in the "StringArray" parameter and returns whether the action was successful.


GetAllStringsFromEnumeration(EnumerationName As String, 
StringArray As Variant ) As Boolean
Return: Boolean
Parameters: EnumerationName Name of the enumeration to be scanned.
StringArray Array where the strings are saved.

Dim Tool As VBATool
Dim StrAry() As Variant
Dim i As Integer
Set Tool = Tools.VBATool
Call Tool.GetAllStringsFromEnumeration("XLIFFTransUnitStates", StrAry)
For i = 0 To UBound(StrAry)
    MsgBox StrAry(i)
Next i

See also:

Class VBATool

Last Updated: 04/27/05