This method scans the given RC-WinTrans enumeration for the given string and provides the enum value. It returns whether the scan was successful.


GetEnumValueFromString( EnumerationName As String, 
EnumStringValue As String, EnumValue As Variant ) As Boolean
Return: Boolean
Parameters: EnumerationName Name of the enumeration to be scanned.
EnumStringValue String to be searched for in the enumeration.
EnumValue Corresponding enum value.

Dim Tool As VBATool
Dim StrAry() As String
Dim Value As Variant

Set Tool = Tools.VBATool

If (Tool.GetEnumValueFromString("XLIFFTransUnitStates", "state_new", Value)) Then
    MsgBox Value
End If
Remarks: The "EnumValue" parameter is of the type "Variant." A usage of this method in VBScript is therefore also possible.

See also:

Class VBATool

Last Updated: 04/27/05