Adds a translation unit to the node with the given node number of the new translation unit.


AddTransUnit( ParentNodeNumber As Long, SourceLanguage As String, 
SourceText As String, TargetText As String ) As Long
Return: Long
Parameters: ParentNodeNumber Node number of the parent node.
SourceLanguage Source language of the translation unit.
SourceText Source text of the translation unit.
TargetText Target text of the translation unit.

Dim File As XliffFile
Dim FileNo As Long
Dim GroupNo As Long
Dim TUNo As Long
Dim RetVal As Boolean
Set File = Tools.XMLTool.CreateXLIFFFile("C:\test.xlf")
FileNo = File.AddFileSection("en-us", "database.mdb", "database")
GroupNo = File.AddGroup(FileNo)
TUNo = File.AddTransUnit(GroupNo, "en-us", "Text", "")
RetVal = File.AddProperty(TUNo, "resname", "", "IDS_TEXT")
If (RetVal) Then
End If

See also:

Class XLIFFFile | XMLTool::CreateXLIFFFile |

Last Updated: 04/27/05