Target Files Dialog Box

Last update:  April 2010 (for RC-WinTrans 9)


The Target Files dialog box (see figure below) in the Source and Target Files dialog box is used to write/create (translated) target files.  It provides an overview of the project's target files and with file status information such as whether the file exists or is not up-to-date and needs to be rewritten.  Commands and options for writing target files are also found here.



Target Path and File Name

The path and name of target files follow the rules defined in the Target File Names dialog box.  A rule for a target file name and path can be specified for all the target files of a certain file type at once (default setting) or for a specific (single) target file (and language).




A target file can be written with the Pseudo-translation option (using a pseudo-translation text).  For details see the help topic "Pseudo-Translation."



Write Options

Two options on this property page are specifically for Microsoft .NET and Win32 EXE/DLL files.  See the description for these two options (checkboxes) below.



Character Encoding

The character encoding can be specified for text-type files such as TXT, RC and INI files (not for XML files).  The default setting uses the same character encoding used in the source file.



Figure:  The Target Files  dialog box.



Controls and Commands



Target Files Listbox

Lists all the target files in the active translation project.




Write Target File Groupbox

Write selected Button

Writes the (single) selected target file.

Write selected as Button

Opens a "Save File" dialog box to specify the name and location to be used to write the target file.

Write checked Button

Writes all the target files checked in the Target Files listbox.

Write all Button

Writes all the target files contained in the project.




Options Groupbox

Write differences (.NET) Checkbox–  .NET Files only!

Check this option to write only the data that has been localized to the target file, i.e., only the data that is different from the data contained in the source file.  If this option is unchecked the target file will be written with the localized data plus the source data for non-localized entries.

Set target language ID for resources (Win32 EXE/DLL) Checkbox

If this option is checked all of the resources in the target EXE or DLL file will receive the language ID of the target language; otherwise the resources will have the same language ID as the resources in the source file.

BACKGROUND:  Each resource of an element such as a dialog box or menu in a Win32 EXE or DLL file has a language ID property.  Usually the language ID is used if an EXE or DLL file contains multiple-language resources. The language ID is not usually used if the EXE or DLL file only contains single-language resources.

NOTE  –  FILE SIZE:  Setting the language of the resources in the target file increases the size of the target EXE or DLL file. There is a technical reason for this phenomenon- please contact for details.  If this option is left unchecked the target file will be about the same size as the source file.

Pseudo-translation Checkbox

Check this option to write the target file(s) using pseudo-translation text.

Settings Button

Opens the Pseudo-Translation Properties dialog box.




Properties Groupbox

Target file name Button

Opens the Target File Names dialog box where the target file path and name can be specified.

Encoding Button

Opens the Target File Encoding dialog box for the (single) selected target file.



File Status

There are several different file statuses that can appear in the "Status" and "Write Status" columns of the Target Files list-box.  Please refer to the table below for their meanings.




not up-to-date

The translation data has been modified since the target file was last created. The target file must be rewritten.


The target file is write-protected and cannot be overwritten.


The target file exists and is up-to date (unchanged).

does not exist

The target file does not exist.

source file changed

The corresponding source file has changed.

If a source file has changed the translation database must be updated (Update Database command) before it can be written.  As long as the "source file changed" status is displayed indicating that the source file has changed it is not possible to write the target file.  To update the translation database use the appropriate commands on the Source Files page (in the same dialog box).