Sets if the re-check marker check box and edit field should be shown.


ShowRecheckMarkerOption( ShowOption As Boolean )
Parameters: ShowOption If the parameter is True the re-check marker controls will be visible, else the controls will be hidden.

Dim Dlg As New ImportMultipleTranslationsDialog

' initialize wizard
Call Dlg.SetOriginalTexts("&File", "")
Call Dlg.ShowRecheckMarkerOption(False)
Call Dlg.AddTranslation("File", "Datei")
Call Dlg.AddTranslation("F&ile", "D&atei")

' more initialization

If (Dlg.Show) Then
	' take action
End If
Remarks: The re-check controls will be visible by default.

See also:

Class ImportMultipleTranslationsDialog

Last Updated: 04/06/06