Target File Name Macro |
The "TargetFileName" macro is called by RC-WinTrans each time the name (and path) of a target file is required by the system, e.g., whenever RC-WinTrans is told to create a target file. This macro is supplied with the default target file name in the parameter "DefaultName." Use the macro to modify the default target file name or to return a target file name generated on your own.
Enable/Disable the calling of the macro in the Target File Names dialog box (Source and Target Files dialog box | Target Files property page). Open this dialog using the Target file name command button found on the Target Files property page (bottom, right).
RC-WinTrans calls the "GetTargetFileName" macro in the "UserMacro" file/project by default. The location (implementation- which macros file and which module) of the macro can be specified in the VBA Macro Specification dialog box.
The default implementation of the "GetTargetFileName" macro in the "UserMacros" file:
A description of the parameters can be found where the macro is implemented.
See also: "User Macros."