Errors and Warnings


Error/Warning 4010: Resource Not Localizable (.NET)

.NET Forms must be marked as localizable in the development environment (e.g., Microsoft Visual Studio) to force the resource data to be stored in RESX files separate from the source code files. .NET Windows Forms have an attribute called "Localizable" that is used to indicate where the resource data will be stored: if the "Localizable" attribute has the value "false," this indicates that there is no localizable resource data available for translation- the data remains with the source code files.


Solution: Setting the “Localizable” attribute to “true” in the development environment (Figure 2) will resolve this issue.  Afterwards, the RESX resource file or assembly file (EXE/DLL) must be updated (or generated anew) by the development environment.


NOTE:  A .NET file doesn't necessarily have to contain translatable resources.  Therefore a file may have been marked as not localizable by the developer.  If this is this case you can ignore the indicated error information (but the error indication for the file cannot be removed).


See also: "Error Information for .NET Files."



Figure 1:  The message box for Error 4010 ("The resource is not localizable.").



Figure 2:  The Microsoft Visual Studio application with the "Localizable" attribute setting outlined.



Error/Warning 4019: Assembly File Cannot Be Processed (.NET)

This error often occurs in conjunction with user-defined controls, or "custom controls."  In contrast to standard controls, custom controls are not contained within the .NET Framework.  Therefore additional code assemblies (DLLs) are needed to use that type of control.


The error message states which data type is required to handle the given resource.  In most instances the name of the required assembly (DLL) will be indicated in the error message text.



RC-WinTrans must be given the location (path reference) of the indicated assembly file(s) (DLLs). See Figure 3.


Resolve the issue using the .NET Options property page to specify one or more path references for RC-WinTrans to use to locate .NET assemblies implementing .NET custom controls.  These are usually files with the file extension ".dll."


See also: "Error Information for .NET Files."



Figure 3:  The message box for Error 4019- "The assembly file cannot be processed."



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