TMX Dictionaries |
RC-WinTrans supports the use of a TMX file combining a source language and one target language in the form of a dictionary.
If you decide to save translation data to an existing TMX file, note that the file will always be created anew. RC-WinTrans will only re-write the data from the TMX file that it has stored before, i.e., any data other than the <seg> elements will be lost. If you know that your TMX files hold other information, you should use a file copy as the dictionary.
To avoid problems, the TMX file is validated according to the TMX version that is used. RC-WinTrans comes with a set of XML schema files that allow for validating TMX versions 1.1 through 1.4b.
NOTE: RC-WinTrans does not handle any of the information stored in the TMX files other than the <seg> elements holding the translation-relevant data. In particular, meta information as string category information is completely ignored.
See also: "Dictionaries (Overview)"; "Dictionaries (Overview): Creating a New Dictionary."