The following is a list of the XLIFF standard resource types and user resource types ("x-") used by RC-WinTrans: |
Resource Type |
Description |
Potential String |
auto3state |
Indicates a Windows RC AUTO3STATE control |
No |
autocheckbox |
Indicates a Windows RC AUTOCHECKBOX control. |
No |
autoradiobutton |
Indicates a Windows RC AUTORADIOBUTTON control. |
No |
bedit |
Indicates a Windows RC BEDIT control. |
No |
bitmap |
Indicates a bitmap, for example a BITMAP resource in Windows. |
No |
button |
Indicates a button object, for example a BUTTON control Windows. |
No |
caption |
Indicates a caption, such as the caption of a dialog box. |
Yes |
cell |
Indicates the cell in a table (e.g., the content of the <td> element in HTML). |
No |
checkbox |
Indicates a check box object |
No |
checkboxmenuitem |
Indicates a menu item with an associated checkbox. |
No |
checkedlistbox |
Indicates a list box, but with a check box for each item. |
No |
colorchooser |
Indicates a color selection dialog. |
No |
combobox |
Indicates a combination of edit box and list box object (e.g., a COMBOBOX control in Windows). |
No |
comboboxexitem |
Indicates an initialization entry of an extended combobox DLGINIT resource block (code 0x1234). |
No |
comboboxitem |
Indicates an initialization entry of a combobox DLGINIT resource block (code 0x0403). |
No |
component |
Indicates a UI base class element that cannot be represented by any other element. |
No |
contextmenu |
Indicates a context menu. |
No |
ctext |
Indicates a Windows RC CTEXT control. |
No |
cursor |
Indicates a cursor, e.g., a CURSOR resource in Windows. |
No |
datetimepicker |
Indicates a date/time picker. |
No |
defpushbutton |
Indicates a Windows RC DEFPUSHBUTTON control. |
No |
dialog |
Indicates a dialog box. |
No |
dlginit |
Indicates a Windows RC DLGINIT resource block. |
No |
edit |
Indicates an edit box object (e.g., an EDIT control in Windows). |
No |
file |
Indicates a file name. |
No |
filechooser |
Indicates a file dialog. |
No |
fn |
Indicates a footnote. |
No |
font |
Indicates a font name. |
No |
footer |
Indicates footer text. |
No |
frame |
Indicates a frame or window, or any generic group of components. |
No |
grid |
Indicates a XUL grid element. |
No |
groupbox |
Indicates a group box object (e.g., a GROUPBOX control in Windows). |
No |
header |
Indicates header text. |
No |
heading |
Indicates a heading such as the content of <h1>, <h2>, etc. in HTML. |
No |
hedit |
Indicates a Windows RC HEDIT control. |
No |
hscrollbar |
Indicates a horizontal scrollbar. |
No |
icon |
Indicates an icon (e.g., an ICON resource in Windows). |
No |
iedit |
Indicates a Windows RC IEDIT control. |
No |
keywords |
Indicates a keyword list such as the content of the Keywords meta-data in HTML, or a K footnote in WinHelp RTF. |
No |
label |
Indicates a label object. |
No |
linklabel |
Indicates a label that is also an HTML link (not necessarily a URL). |
No |
list |
Indicates a list (e.g., a group of list-items; an <ol> or <ul> element in HTML). |
No |
listbox |
Indicates a list box object (e.g., a LISTBOX control in Windows). |
No |
listitem |
Indicates a list item (an entry in a list). |
No |
ltext |
Indicates a Windows RC LTEXT control. |
No |
menu |
Indicates a menu (a group of menu items). |
No |
menubar |
Indicates a toolbar containing one or more top level menus. |
No |
menuitem |
Indicates a menu item (an entry in a menu). |
No |
menuseparator |
Indicates a XUL menuseparator element. |
No |
message |
Indicates a message (e.g., an entry in a MESSAGETABLE resource in Windows). |
No |
monthcalendar |
Indicates a calendar control. |
No |
numericupdown |
Indicates an edit box beside a spin control. |
No |
panel |
Indicates a catch for all rectangular areas. |
No |
popupmenu |
Indicates a standalone menu not necessarily associated with a menubar. |
No |
pushbox |
Indicates a pushbox object (e.g., a PUSHBOX control in Windows). |
No |
pushbutton |
Indicates a Windows RC PUSHBUTTON control. |
No |
radio |
Indicates a radio button object. |
No |
radiobuttonmenuitem |
Indicates a menu item with associated radio button. |
No |
rcdata |
Indicates raw data resources for an application. |
No |
row |
Indicates a row in a table. |
No |
rtext |
Indicates a Windows RC RTEXT control. |
No |
scrollpane |
Indicates a user navigable container used to show a portion of a document. |
No |
separator |
Indicates a generic divider object (e.g., a menu group separator). |
No |
shortcut |
Indicates windows accelerators (shortcuts) in resource or property files. |
No |
spinner |
Indicates a UI control to indicate process activity but not progress. |
No |
splitter |
Indicates a splitter bar. |
No |
state3 |
Indicates a Windows RC STATE3 control. |
No |
statusbar |
Indicates a window for providing feedback to the users, like "read-only," etc. |
No |
string |
Indicates a string (e.g., an entry in a STRINGTABLE resource in Windows). |
Yes |
tabcontrol |
Indicates a layer of controls with a tab to select layers. |
No |
table |
Indicates a display and edits regular two-dimensional tables of cells. |
No |
textbox |
Indicates a XUL textbox element. |
No |
togglebutton |
Indicates a UI button that can be toggled to "on" or "off" state. |
No |
toolbar |
Indicates an array of controls, usually buttons. |
No |
tooltip |
Indicates a pop up tooltip text. |
No |
trackbar |
Indicates a bar with a pointer indicating a position within a certain range. |
No |
tree |
Indicates a control that displays a set of hierarchichal data. |
No |
uri |
Indicates a URI (URN or URL). |
No |
userbutton |
Indicates a Windows RC USERBUTTON control. |
No |
usercontrol |
Indicates a user-defined control like CONTROL control in Windows. |
No |
var |
Variable.Indicates the text of a variable. |
No |
versioninfo |
Indicates version information about a resource such as VERSIONINFO in Windows. |
No |
vscrollbar |
Indicates a vertical scrollbar. |
No |
window |
Indicates a graphical window. |
No |
x-accelerator |
Indicates a win32 accelerator. |
No |
x-accessiblename |
A label that briefly describes and identifies the object within its container, such as the text in a Button, the name of a MenuItem, or a label displayed next to a TextBox control. |
No |
x-activexinitdata |
Indicates an initialization entry of an ActiveX control resource block (code 0x0376). |
No |
x-backcolor |
Indicates the background color of a control. |
No |
x-bindata |
Indicates unspecified binary data. |
No |
x-blockContent |
Indicates block content, e.g., an html <p> element. |
No |
x-buttonsize |
Indicates the size of the buttons on a toolbar control. |
No |
x-checkalign |
Indicates the horizontal and vertical alignment of a check box on a check box control. |
No |
x-clientsize |
Indicates the width and height values of the client area of a RESX control, separated by a comma. |
No |
x-coord |
Indicates the x, y, cx and cy coordinates of a given element as four decimal (possibly negative) values, in the order: x, y, cx and cy, separated by semi-colons. Null values may be entered as "#" (e.g. #;#;183;272). |
No |
x-dialogex |
Indicates a win32 DIALOGEX resource. |
No |
x-dlginititem |
Indicates an initialization entry of an DLGINIT resource block other than a combobox or ActiveX entry (see comboboxitem / comboboxexitem / x-activexinitdata). |
No |
x-domainupdown |
Indicates a windows up-down control that displays string values |
No |
x-enabled |
Indicates an "enabled" property of a control. |
No |
x-exstyle |
Indicates a win32 EXSTYLE value. |
No |
x-forecolor |
Indicates the foreground color of a control. |
No |
x-height |
Indicates a html height attribute or style. |
No |
x-html |
Indicates a full html document, e.g., as used in a Win32 resource file. |
No |
x-htmlAttr |
Indicates an html attribute. |
No |
x-htmlStyle |
Indicates an html style. |
No |
x-htmlbody |
Indicates an html <body> element. |
No |
x-include |
Indicates a file reference, e.g., a win32 #include. |
No |
x-inlineContent |
Indicates inline content, e.g., an html <b> element. |
No |
x-input |
Indicates an html <input> element. |
No |
x-language |
Indicates the base language of an Html element's attribute values and text content. |
No |
x-left |
Indicates a html "left" style value. |
No |
x-linkarea |
Indicates a text in a dialog representing a hypertext link. |
No |
x-listview |
Indicates a list view. |
No |
x-localizable |
Indicates a "localizable" property of a RESX file. |
No |
x-location |
Indicates the coordinates of the upper-left corner of a RESX control relative to the upper-left corner of its container, separated by a comma. |
No |
x-maxlength |
Indicates the "max length" property of a text field. |
No |
x-minwidth |
Indicates the minimum allowed width of the status bar panel within a StatusBar control. |
No |
x-multiline |
Indicates the "multiline" property of a text field. |
No |
x-number |
Indicates a numeric value. |
No |
x-param |
Indicates a parameter value, as in HTML's <param> element. |
No |
x-picturebox |
Indicates a picture box control. |
No |
x-radiocheck |
Indicates whether a MenuItem, if checked, displays a radio-button instead of a check mark. |
No |
x-richtextbox |
Indicates a text field suited for entering rich text data. |
No |
x-rtl |
Indicates a write direction (right-to-left / left-to-right). |
No |
x-section |
Indicates a section name, e.g., in INI files. |
No |
x-showshortcut |
Indicates whether the shortcut key that is associated with a menu item is displayed next to the menu item caption. |
No |
x-size |
Indicates the width and height of a control, separated by a comma, e.g., "14,42". |
No |
x-static |
Indicates a static Win32 dialog control item which is not an icon or a bitmap, e.g., a BLACKFRAME. |
No |
x-stringfileinfoblock |
Indicates a win32 VERSIONINFO "string file" block header. |
No |
x-stringfileinfovalue |
Indicates a win32 VERSIONINFO "string file" block entry. |
No |
x-stringtable |
Indicates a group of Win32 RC STRINGTABLE entries. |
No |
x-structureContent |
Indicates structural content, e.g. an html <fieldset> element. |
No |
x-style |
Indicates a win32 STYLE value. |
No |
x-tabpage |
Indicates a tab page within a tab control. |
No |
x-text |
Indicates text data, e.g. a text node in an HTML file. |
No |
x-textalign |
Indicates a text alignment property of a control. |
No |
x-textprop |
Indicates an ActiveX control text property. |
No |
x-toolbarbutton |
Indicates a button of a toolbar. |
No |
x-top |
Indicates a html "top" style value. |
No |
x-treeview |
Indicates a tree view control. |
No |
x-type |
Indicates a html type attribute. |
No |
x-unknown |
Indicates an unknown resource type |
No |
x-varfileinfovalue |
Indicates a win32 VERSIONINFO "var file" block entry. |
No |
x-visible |
Indicates a "visible" property of a control. |
No |
x-width |
Indicates a html width attribute or style. |
No |
x-wordwrap |
Indicates the "wordwrap" property of a text field. |
No |
information on the XLIFF Specification 1.1 can be found at |