Command Line Commands

Last update: December 2017 for RC-WinTrans 11.1.


NOTE:  The "RCWinTrans.exe" command line commands described in this topic are the commands of the new command line interface implemented with RC-WinTrans 11. The previous "RWTCmd.exe" command line interface from RC-WinTrans 8 through 10 is still available (secondary interface) and can be used with the current version of RC-WinTrans.


Command Line Editor recommends using the Command Line Editor to compose, test, and execute a command line.

Command line commands can be composed and executed using the "Command Line Editor" application.  For details see the "Command Line Editor" help topic.


NEW (December 2017/RC-WinTrans 11.1):  The command line tool has been improved and extended since it was first introduced in the original release of RC-WinTrans 11.  A summary of the changes that have been implemented appears below.


New command added: "/IsTargetUpToDate".


New command added: "/ListFile".


"/Update" command improved to only update the data when the source file has changed (new default behavior).  To force a database update for all files (of a target language) use the new command option "-all".


"/WriteTargetFile" command improved to only write a target file when it is outdated or does not exist (new default behavior).  To force all of the target files (of a target language) to be written anew use the new command option "-all".


Detailed output given for an executed command:

command line text

command parameters with values

command options

output information on processing and results

imported item data

The destination output is the stdout (e.g., the Windows command box (from "cmd.exe") and the logging file if specifed (/log <filename>).


Output provided for the data of every single item imported with the commands "/ImportProject", "/ImportXLIFF" and "/ImportTMX".  See the description for the "-iout" option further on.


New command option added: "iout".  Lists the output of the import of each individual item's data.


New command option added: "-nosave".  Prevents any data changes made by a data import command from being saved or applied.


The general synopsis of the RC-WinTrans command line commands is as follows:


RCWinTrans.exe   /command   [/parameter value]...  [-option]...



































(New with RC-WinTrans 11.1)






(New with RC-WinTrans 11.1)




(Updated with: RC-WinTrans 11.1)


(Updated with: RC-WinTrans 11.1)










/proj filename


/extproj filename


/srcfile filename


/extfile filename


/lang lang


/srclang lang


/extlang lang


/log filename


/name text


/logtext text


/report filename





































































The following is a list of the command line commands offered by RC-WinTrans.  




     /AddLanguage  /proj filename  /lang langcode
 /al ...


Adds a new target language to a translation project.


1. /proj  filename

Project file name; the full path to the project file (.rwtproject) or to the database file (.fsmdb).

2. /lang  langcode

Target language; the language code for the language to add.


"1" = successful.  The target language has been added.

"0" = unsuccessful.  The target language not has been added. 

"-1" = error.


(1)  /AddLanguage  /proj "c:\dir\myproject.rwtproject"  /lang  ja-JP

(2)  /al   /proj myproject.fsmdb   /lang fr-FR


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     /HasLanguage  /proj filename  /lang langcode
 /al ...


Checks the existence of a specified language in the translation project.


1. /proj  filename

Project file name; the full path to the project file (.rwtproject) or to the database file (.fsmdb).

2. /lang  langcode

Target language; the language code for the language to add.


"1" = successful, meaning "yes"or "true".

"0" = unsuccessful, meaning "no" or "false".

 "-1" = error.


(1)  /HasLanguage  /proj "c:\dir\mytrans.rwtproject"  /lang  ja-JP

(2)  /h   /proj mytrans.fsmdb   /lang fr-FR


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/Help  (or /help)  (also: /?)  

     /Help  [command]
 /? ...


Writes command line usage information to the console output.


1.  < command >  (OPTIONAL)

Name of a command.  To get help on the command, use the command parameters and command options.


(1) /help

(2) /help   /WriteTargetFile

(3) /?   /ExportProject


^ TOP ^




     /AddSourceFile  /projfilename /srcfile filename
 /as ...


Adds a new source file to the translation project.


1. /proj  filename

Project file; the full path to the translation project file (.rwtproject) or to the database file (.fsmdb).

2. /srcfile  filename

Resource file; the full path to the source file to be added.


"1" when successful.


(1)  /AddSourceFile  /proj "c:\dir\mytrans.rwtproject"  /srcfile  "c:\dir\files\app.rc"

(2)  /as   /proj "c:\dir\mytrans.rwtproject"   /srcfile "c:\dir\files\strings.ini"


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     /AddTextToLogFile  /log logfile  /logtext  "text to add"
 /at ...


Writes text as a single line to the log file.

NOTE: The "/log" and "/logtext" parameters can be used with each command.


1. /log  filename

File name of the log file (.log or. .txt).

2. /logtext  text

Text to be added to the log file.


"1" when successful.


(1)  /AddTextToLogFile  /log  logfile.log  /logtext "Hello World!"

(2)  /at   /log logfile.log   /logtext "Start process from command line..."


^ TOP ^




      /CreateProject /proj filename /name displname /srclang lcode  
/lang lcode [/lang lcode2]...


/cp ...


Creates a new translation project (the project definition file (.rwtproject)) and a database file (.fsmdb).  The project will be initialized for the specified source and target language (or target languages).


1. /proj  filename

Project file; the full path for the new project file (.rwtproject).

2. /name  shortname

Short name of the translation project.  The name will be used (displayed) in RC-WinTrans.

3. /srclang  langcode

Source language; the language code for the source language.

4. /lang  langcode

[/lang langcode2]...

Target language; the language code of the target language.  At least one target language should be specified; others can be specified optionally.


"1" when successful.


/CreateProject  /proj "c:\dir\mytrans.rwtproject"  /name "My Project1"
/srclang en-GB  /lang  it-CH  /lang fr-FR  /lang de-DE


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      /ExportProject  /proj filename [/srclang lcode] /lang lcode  [/lang lcode2]...
                                 /extproj filename [/name displayname]


/ep ...


Exports a translation unit as database-type project (.fsmdb file).  One or more target languages can be exported from the source project.


1. /proj  filename

File name of the source project from which data is to be exported.
File extension: .rwtproject (project definition file) or .fsmdb (database file).

2. /extproj  filename

File name of the target project (project to which data is being exported).
File extension: .rwtproject (project definition file) or .fsmdb (database file).

3. /srclang  langcode  (OPTIONAL)

The source language.  This parameter is optional.  Do not use this parameter when the source language is the project's original language.  To use an existing target language as the source language, use the "/srclang" parameter and the language code of the target language.

4. /lang  langcode

Target language; the language code of the target language.

5. /name  shortname  (OPTIONAL)

A short name (display name) for the project used in RC-WinTrans.  This parameter is optional.  When this parameter is not given the exported project will have the same name as the source project.


"1" when successful.


(1) /ExportProject  /proj "main.fsmdb"  /extproj "Proj2.fsmdb"  /lang it-IT

(2) /ep  /proj "main.rwtproject"  /extproj "Proj2.rwtproject"  /srlang en-US  /lang it-IT


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/ExportTMX  /proj filename /lang lcode [/srcfile filename] /extfile tmxfile


Exports text (source and target) and an ID/name to a TMX file.


1. /proj  filename

File name of the project from which data is to be exported.
File extension: .rwtproject (project definition file) or .fsmdb (database file).

2. /lang  langcode

Target language; the language code of the target language.

3. /srcfile  filename  (OPTIONAL)

A source file in the translation project.  Use this parameter to export data associated with this file only.

4. /extfile  tmxfilename

Target file; the file name of the Excel workbook file.
File extension: .xls or .xlsx.

5. Export options  (OPTIONAL):

[-tra] [-nontra] [-changed] [-noid] [-noamp] and [-cpysrc].

NOTE:  Use the "-noid" option to disable the export of item IDs.  IDs can be used to import translations from the exported file.


"1" when successful.


/ExportTMX  /proj "main.fsmdb"  /extfile "resxfile1.tmx"  /lang it-IT  -nontra -changed


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/ExportExcel  /proj filename /lang lcode /extfile excelfile [/srcfile filename] [-option]...


Exports text (source and target) and additional translation unit data from a translation project to a Microsoft Excel workbook file (.xls, .xlsx).  The data from multiple target languages can be exported.


1. /proj  filename

File name of the project from which data is to be exported.
File extension: .rwtproject (project definition file) or .fsmdb (database file).

2. /lang  langcode

Target language; the language code of the target language.

[/lang langcode2]...

Additional target languages can be exported optionally.

3. /srcfile  filename  (OPTIONAL)

A source file in the translation project.  Use this parameter to export data associated only with this file.

4. /extfile  excelfilename

Target file; the file name of the Excel workbook file.
File extension: .xls or .xlsx.

5. Export options  (OPTIONAL):

[-tra] [-nontra] [-changed] [-prevsrc] [-note] [-state] [-type] [-noid] [-noamp] and [-showmin].

NOTE:  The ID (or name) of an item is exported to a separate column ("Resname").  The ID of the main resource is exported to a "Main Resname" column while the file name is exported to another column, "Source File Name".  This ensures that translations can be imported from the file as well. Use the "-noid" option to disable the export of IDs and the file name.


"1" when successful.


/ExportExcel  /proj "main.fsmdb"  /extfile "exported.xlsx"  /lang it-IT  -nontra  -changed


^ TOP ^




/ImportExcel  /proj filename /lang lcode [/srcfile filename] /extfile excelfile


Imports translation text from a Microsoft Excel workbook file (.xls, .xlsx) into a translation project.  Data will be imported for one target language.


1. /proj  filename

File name of the project into which data is to be imported.
File extension: .rwtproject (project definition file) or .fsmdb (database file).

2. /lang  langcode

Target language; the language code of the target language in the translation project and in the Excel file.

3. /srcfile  filename  (OPTIONAL)

A source file in the translation project.  Use this parameter to import data associated only with this file.

4. /extfile  excelfilename

Target file; the file name of the Excel workbook file.
File extension: .xls or .xlsx.

5. Import options  (OPTIONAL):

[-replace] [-noid] [-noamp] [-nosave] and [-showmin].

NOTE:  The ID (or name) of an item is exported to a separate column ("Resname").  The ID of the main resource is exported to a "Main Resname" column while the file name is exported to another column, "Source File Name".  This ensures that translations can be imported from the file as well. Use the "-noid" option to disable the export of IDs and the file name.


"1" when successful.


/ImportExcel  /proj "main.fsmdb"  /extfile "ApplStrings.xlsx"  /lang it-IT  -replace


^ TOP ^




/ExportXLIFF  /proj filename /lang lcode  /extfile xliffile [/srcfile filename]  [-option]...


Exports text data and additional item information to an XLIFF 2.0 file.


1. /proj  filename

File name of the project into which translations are to be imported.
File extension: .rwtproject (project definition file) or .fsmdb (database file).

2. /lang  langcode

Target language; the language code of the target language.

3. /srcfile  filename  (OPTIONAL)

A source file in the translation project.  Use this parameter to export data associated only with this file.

4. /extfile  xliff-filename

Target file; the file name of the XLIFF file.
File extension: .xliff, .xlf or .xliffex.

5. Export options  (OPTIONAL):

[-tra] [-nontra] [-changed] [-noamp] [-cpysrc] [-recheck] [-task] [-note] [-flat]

 [-iout] and [-nosave].

NOTE:  Use the "-flat" option if you want the XML data to NOT be hierarchically structured with an item's parent groups.


"1" when successful.


/ExportXLIFF  /proj "main.fsmdb"  /extfile "resxfile1.xliff"  /lang it-IT  -tra -note -task


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/ImportProject  /proj filename /lang lcode /extproj fromfile /extlang lcode
                                    [/srcfile filename] {report filename] [-option]...


Imports data from a translation project for a single target language.


1. /proj  filename

File name of the project into which the data is to be imported.
File extension: .rwtproject (project definition file) or .fsmdb (database file).

2. /extproj  filename

File name of the project from which data is to be imported.
File extension: .rwtproject (project definition file) or .fsmdb (database file).

3. /extlang  langcode

The language code of the language for which data is to be imported, e.g., "en-US" for English (US) or "ja-JP" for Japanese (Japan).

4. /lang  langcode

Target language; the language code of the target language for which data is to be imported.

5. /srcfile  filename  (OPTIONAL)

A source file in the translation project.  Use this parameter to import data associated only with this file.

6. /report  filename  (OPTIONAL)

Generates an HTML report file (.html, .htm) summarizing imported data.

7. Import options  (OPTIONAL):

[-text] [-size] [-image] [-font] [-replace] [-task] [-recheck] [-note] [-iout]

 and [-nosave].

NOTE:  When none of the optional data import options are specified then "-text" and "-size" will be used by default to import text and size/position data.


"1" when successful.


/ImportProject  /proj "main.rwtproject"  /extproj "Proj2.fsmdb"  /lang it  /extlang  it-IT  -text
                                                                                              -recheck -note -replace


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/ImportTMX  /proj filename /lang lcode /extfile tmxfile  [/srcfile filename] [-option]...


Imports translations from a TMX file for a certain target language and optionally for a single source file in the project.


1. /proj  filename

File name of the project into which translations are to be imported.
File extension: .rwtproject (project definition file) or .fsmdb (database file).

2. /lang  langcode

Target language; the language code of the target language.

3. /extfile  filename

File name of the TMX file from which to import.
File extension: (usually) .tmx.

4. /srcfile  filename  (OPTIONAL)

A source file in the translation project.  Use this parameter to import data associated only with this file.

5. Import options  (OPTIONAL):

[-tra] [-nontra] [-changed] [-replace] [-noamp] [-id] [-iout] and [-nosave].


"1" when successful.


/ImportTMX  /proj "main.rwtproject"  /extfile "apptext.tmx"  /lang ja-JA  -replace


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/ImportXLIFF  /proj filename /lang lcode /extfile xliffile   [/srcfile filename]  [-option]...


Imports translations and/or additional informaion from an XLIFF 2.0 or a QuickShip exchange file.  Data is imported for a certain target language and for a single source file in the project.  Data is imported for all the source files in the project when the parameter "/srcfile" is not used

NOTE: With QuickShip exchange files (.xliffex) addtional data can be imported such as notes (source and target), RC-WinTrans task markers and re-check markers.


1. /proj  filename

File name of the project into which translations are to be imported.
File extension: .rwtproject (project definition file) or .fsmdb (database file).

2. /lang  langcode

Target language; the language code of the target language.

3. /extfile  filename

File name of the XLIFF file or QuickShip file from which to import.
File extension: .xliff, .xlf or .xliffex.

4. /srcfile  filename  (OPTIONAL)

A source file in the translation project.  Use this parameter to import data associated only with this file.

5. Import options  (OPTIONAL):

[-tra] [-nontra] [-changed] [-replace] [-note] [-task] [-recheck] [-iout]

and [-nosave].


"1" when successful.


/ImportXLIFF  /proj "main.rwtproject"  /extfile "apptext.xliffex"  /lang ja-JA  -text .task -recheck


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     /IsTranslated  /proj filename  /lang langcode  [/srcfile filename]
 /tr ...


Verifies whether a given source file contained in a translation project is (100%) translated for the specified language.  A file is considered to be translated when a translation (target text) exists for all text items and the translation status of all items is set to either "translated" or "final."  To verify all the source files in the project, DO NOT use the "/srcfile" parameter.


1. /proj  filename

Project file name; the full path to the translation project file (.rwtproject) or the project database file (.fsmdb).

2. /lang  langcode

Target language; the language code for the target language being used.

3. /srcfile  filename  (OPTIONAL)

A source file in the translation project.  DO NOT use this parameter if all source files should be verified.


"1" = yes/true.  "0" = no/false.  "-1" = error.


(1) /IsTranslated  /proj "c:\dir\mytrans.rwtproject"  /lang  ja-JP

(2) /h   /proj mytrans.fsmdb   /lang fr-FR


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     /IsTargetUpToDate  /proj filename  /lang langcode  [/srcfile filename]
 /td ...


Checks whether a given target file or any of the project's target files is outdated.  This check is performed for files of a specified target language.


1. /proj  filename

Project file name; the full path to the translation project file (.rwtproject) or  the project database file (.fsmdb).

2. /lang  langcode

Target language; the language code for the target language being used.

3. [ /srcfile  filename ]  (OPTIONAL)

A source file in the translation project.  Use this parameter if a certain target file should be checked.

4. Options:  none.


"1" = target file is up to date (not outdated).

 "0" = target file is outdated or does not exist.

 "-1" = error.


(1) /IsTargetUpToDate  /proj "mytrans.rwtproject"  /srcfile "resfile.rc"  /lang fr-FR-

(2) /td  /proj "mytrans.rwtproject"  /lang fr-FR


^ TOP ^



     /IsUpToDate  /proj filename  /lang langcode  [/srcfile filename]
 /d ...


Checks whether a given source file or any of the project's source files has/have changed.  This check is performed for the data with the specified target language.


1. /proj  filename

Project file name; the full path to the translation project file (.rwtproject) or  the project database file (.fsmdb).

2. /lang  langcode

Target language; the language code for the target language being used.

3. /srcfile  filename  (OPTIONAL)

A source file in the translation project.  DO NOT use this parameter if all source files should be checked.


"1" = successful.  "0" = unsuccessful.  "-1" = error.


(1) /IsUpToDate  /proj "mytrans.rwtproject"  /srcfile "Application.exe"  /lang fr-FR-

(2) /d  /proj "mytrans.rwtproject"  /lang fr-FR


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/ListFile  /proj filename /lang lcode [/srcfile filename][-option]...


Writes a list of files and file information for one or all of a project's source and/or target files to the standard output and/or to a specified logging file.  The files to be listed can be specified with command options valid for this command (see "Options" below).


1. /proj  filename

File name of the project into which data is to be imported.
File extension: .rwtproject (project definition file) or .fsmdb (database file).

2. [ /lang  langcode ]  (OPTIONAL)

Target language; the language code of the target language in the translation project.  The language must be specified for listing the target file(s).

3. [ /srcfile  filename ] (OPTIONAL)

A source file in the translation project.  Use this parameter to specify a certain source file and/or target file to be listed.

4. Options  (OPTIONAL):

[-src] [-tgt] [-info] [-rel] [-changed] [-outdate]

NOTE:  Using no option causes all (and only) source files to be listed by default.


"1" when at least one file is listed.  Otherwise "0".


(1) /ListFile  /proj "main.fsmdb"  /lang it-IT   -tgt -info -outdated

(2) /ListFile  /proj "main.fsmdb"  /lang it-IT  -src -tgt -info -changed -outdated


^ TOP ^



    /Update  /proj filename  /lang langcode  [/srcfile filename] [-all]
 /u ...


Updates the translation data of a single source file or of all the source files for a given target language.  The update will be skipped if the soure file is unchanged.  To force an update for an unchanged source file(s) use the option "-all".


1. /proj  filename

Project file name; the full path to the translation project file (.rwtproject) or  the project database file (.fsmdb).

2. /lang  langcode

Target language; the language code for the target language being used.

3. [ /srcfile  filename ]  (OPTIONAL)

A source file in the translation project.  Use this parameter to update the translation data of the specified source files.

4. Options  (OPTIONAL): [ -all ]


"1" = update successful (for all files or for the file specified).

"0" = unsuccessful.  The data for at least one file could not be updated.

 "-1" = error.


(1) /Update  /proj "mytrans.rwtproject"  /srcfile "Application.exe"  /lang fr-FR

(2) /u  /proj "mytrans.rwtproject"  /lang fr-FR


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    /WriteTargetFile /proj filename /lang langcode [/srcfile filename]  
/extfile filename] [-all]...

or  /wt ...


Writes all or one single (translated) target file in a specified language.  The target file name rule and the encoding designated in the project for a target file will be used.  By default, a target file is written when it is outdated- otherwise it is skipped.  To force all target files to be written anew use the option "-all".


1. /proj  filename

Project file; the full path to the translation project file (.rwtproject) or the project database file (.fsmdb).

2. /lang  langcode

Target language; the language code for the target language being used.

3. [ /srcfile  filename ] (OPTIONAL)

A source file in the translation project.  DO NOT use this parameter if all target files (for all source files) should be written.

4. [ /extfile  filename ]  (OPTIONAL)

Name of the translated target file.  This parameter can be used together with a given source file ("/srcfile")..  The target file name as specified in the project is used in the absence of this parameter.

5. Options  (OPTIONAL): [ -all ]


"1" = successful.  All the target files or the specified target file were/was written successfully.

 "0" = unsuccessful.  At least one target file could not be written. 

"-1" = error.


(1) /WriteTargetFile  /proj "mytrans.rwtproject"  /srcfile "files\app.rc"  /lang it-IT
                                                                              /extfile "files\it\appIT.rc

(2) /WriteTargetFile  /proj "mytrans.rwtproject"  /lang fr-FR  /srcfile "app.exe"

(3) /wt   /proj "mytrans.rwtproject"   /lang ja-JA  -all


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/log   LogFile   [/logtext text]


Writes intermediate output to the log file and/or writes the text to the log file specified with "/logtext".


1. /log  filename

Logging file name (.log, .txt).  The file will be created when none exists.

2. /logtext  text

Text to be written to the log file.


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Return Values

1 or 0:  A non-negative return value indicates a successful operation.  A value of 1 means "true" or "yes" while 0 means "false" or "no".

-1:  A negative return value always indicates an error.


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